Our Work

AIIB offers sovereign and non-sovereign financing for sound and sustainable projects in energy and power, transportation and telecommunications, rural infrastructure and agriculture development, water supply and sanitation, environmental protection, and urban development and logistics.

Focus Areas

Rural Infrastructure

Energy and Power

Environmental Protection

Transportation and Telecommunications

Water Supply and Sanitation

Urban Development and Logistics


Bin Wang

Senior Officer
Tel: +86 010 8358 0086



As a member of the international family of development banks, we believe in partnership and cooperation.

We have signed a co-financing framework agreement with the World Bank. We have also signed Memorandums on joint cooperation and co-financing with: the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and Inter-American Investment Corporation, the New Development Bank and the World Bank Group.

We also partner with private financial institutions and cooperate with other partners in the public and non-governmental sectors.

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