AIIB recognizes the contribution of civil society organizations (CSOs) in advancing the Bank’s mission of financing Infrastructure for Tomorrow (i4t) set out under its Corporate Strategy (2021-2030). Our interaction with CSOs includes a broad range of entities such as nongovernmental organizations, community-based organizations, youth groups, independent academic and research institutes and think tanks, foundations, faith-based organizations and labor unions.

How AIIB Engages with CSOs:

Corporate level: Annually, we host two regularly scheduled events with CSOs during the AIIB Annual Meeting—one with the Bank’s management for an open exchange on a range of topics including policies, strategies and operations; and a separate session with the Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit (CEIU). The AIIB President and senior management also hold bilateral meetings with CSOs on specific issues.

Policy level: We organize public consultations with stakeholders, including CSOs, as part of the development or review of the Bank’s major policies and strategies. We also facilitate opportunities for exchange of views between Bank staff and CSOs on policy and strategy-related topics.

Project level: We require our clients to conduct meaningful public consultation and stakeholder engagement during the project preparation and implementation stages. We are open to CSO feedback on AIIB-financed projects and engage with CSOs on project-related issues. We also have a mechanism to provide Project-affected peoples with an opportunity to raise their concerns regarding the environmental and social aspects of an AIIB-financed project during preparation and implementation.

Policy Consultations:

AIIB regularly consults with a range of stakeholders, including CSOs, to ensure its policies are transparent, inclusive, and aligned with global best practices. Engaging diverse stakeholders helps the AIIB identify potential risks, improve policy effectiveness, and promote sustainable development.

Civil society input provides valuable perspectives on environmental, social, and governance impacts, helping the bank address concerns and build public trust. These consultations enhance accountability and ensure that AIIB projects benefit local communities while minimizing negative impacts, thus fostering equitable and responsible infrastructure development.

AIIB is currently conducting a review of its Policy on Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM Policy), which was adopted in December 2018. As a critical part of this review, AIIB is organizing broad-based stakeholder consultations. Both in-country and virtual consultations are being carried out for regional and nonregional members. For more information, please visit AIIB’s PPM Policy Review.


CSOs/NGOs Contacts

Communications Department

Denis Kongere

Civil Society Officer

+86 10 8358 9174


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