Beijing, January 22, 2025

AIIB Charts Course for SDG Achievement with Bold Sustainable Infrastructure Financing Plan

The path to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 requires innovative approaches to infrastructure financing.

At the recent High-Level Regional Consultation on Financing for Development in Asia and the Pacific, held in Bangkok, AIIB unveiled a three-point action plan to inform financing institutions’ engagement at the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Seville from June 30-July 3, 2025.

The Bangkok event marked the commencement of regional Asia-Pacific UN member discussions aimed at enhancing financial strategies to meet the SDG goals. State dignitaries from AIIB members who participated on site were Deputy Prime Minister Bishnu Prasad Paudel of Nepal, Deputy Prime Minister Biman Chand Prasad of Fiji, Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Ali Haidar Ahmed of Maldives, and Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal of Pakistan.

As an institution dedicated to financing tomorrow's infrastructure, AIIB's financing operations are aligned with the SDGs through sustainable infrastructure development. This commitment is reinforced through our strategic partnership with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (ESCAP) and other multilateral development banks.

The Bank’s action plan addresses three critical challenges in low- and middle-income countries.

First, we're reimagining project-pipeline development. By pooling financial and technical assistance resources and services among development partners, we'll generate more bankable projects that attract both public and private investments, transforming how infrastructure projects are designed and prepared.

Second, we're improving risk management across financial, operational and political dimensions. Our approach seeks to better distribute project risks among development actors based on their capabilities and mandates, ensuring each partner manages risks aligned with their strengths.

Third, we're strengthening policy frameworks. Through enhanced coordination with international financial institutions, including the IMF and UN agencies, we'll leverage climate policy-based financing to create favorable conditions for infrastructure investments and expedite public delivery outcomes.

Today’s pivotal moment in sustainable development demands concrete action. This plan directly addresses key gaps identified by developing countries and investors, offering practical solutions to accelerate SDG achievement through critical physical, digital and social infrastructure investments.

As we prepare for FfD4, AIIB stands ready to collaborate with partners across Asia-Pacific and beyond. Our commitment goes beyond financing – we're building a sustainable future through transformative infrastructure development that serves the needs of tomorrow.



Rodrigo Salvado

Director General, Operational Partnership Department, AIIB


Ping Yean Cheah

Senior Partnership Officer, Resource Mobilization, AIIB

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