The objective is to improve the rural road connectivity (by providing all weather connectivity) to 1,060 villages in all the 33 districts in Gujarat state benefitting about 8 million people.
The Project consists of the following components:
Component 1: Construction and Upgradation of Non-Plan Roads (NPR)5
This component includes construction and upgradation of NPR, construction of missing links (last mile connecting to the road network) and missing structures (culverts and small bridges), construction of approach roads to educational institutions and construction and upgradation of roads passing through tribal areas.
Component 2: Upgradation of Planned Roads (PR)6
This component includes upgradation of existing earthen and metal roads to black top roads, resurfacing of VR and ODR, upgradation of bridges to prevent flooding and subsequent isolation of flooded villages during monsoon season and widening of VR and ODR to ease traffic congestion.
Component 3: Technical Assistance
This component includes a) engaging a Project Management Consultant (PMC) to assist R&BD in Project Management (including planning, implementation supervision, monitoring and reporting progress of the project), b) developing a digitized map of Gujarat’s rural roads network and connecting them with Geographical Information System (GIS) based system for real time communication and updates of project’s progress during construction phase and for updates of maintenance works after completion of the project and c) institutional development and capacity building of R&BD through trainings, workshops and study tours.
Component 4: Application of innovative technologies
Application of innovative technologies in construction, upgradation and maintenance of roads and structures on experimental basis. This includes use of recycled plastic waste, modified bitumen, additives, geo-textiles.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Project has been assigned Category “B,” in accordance with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Environmental and Social Standards (ESS). The anticipated environmental and social risks and impacts of the Project are limited, temporary in nature and reversible. As required by the Bank’s ESP for Category ‘B’ projects, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), which provides for the use of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), has been developed.
Please review the project summary for additional information.
Bhaskar Dasgupta
Multilateral Institutions Division
Depart of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Republic of India
Home What We Do Project List India: Gujarat Rural Roads (MMGSY)