The objective is to provide sustainable core infrastructure for the development of a new tourism destination in the Mandalika region of Lombok.
Key infrastructure for the Mandalika tourism destination will be developed in two phases: Phase-I (2019-23) and Phase-II (2024-26). The Project will be focused on Phase-I.
The Project consists of two components.
Component One: Provision of basic services and infrastructure.
(i) Sub-component 1.1. Construction of core infrastructure in Mandalika.
(ii) Sub-component 1.2. Infrastructure improvements to neighboring communities.
Component Two: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building. This component would provide Technical Assistance to increase the capacity of the ITDC in carrying out project activities to a high standard.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) is applicable to the proposed Project. The Project is assigned Category A, due to the nature of the project activities, the local environmental and social context, as well as the significant and diverse potential environmental and social impacts. The Bank’s three Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) are triggered. The proposed ES instruments are as follows: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)/Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Resettlement Planning Framework (RPF), and Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP).
Please review the project summary for additional information.
Abdulbar M. Mansoer
President Director/Chief Executive Officer
Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) PT Pengembangan Pariwisita Indonesia(Persero)/Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation
Luky Alfirman
Director General of Budget Financing and Risk Management Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Home What We Do Project List Indonesia: Mandalika Urban and Tourism Infrastructure