The objective is to mobilize private capital investments into infrastructure and other productive sectors in selected AIIB members via a fund with a market risk-adjusted return.
The CITIC Capital Pan Eurasia Fund (“CCPEF”) is a closed-end private equity fund established to provide institutional investors with the opportunity to take advantage of rapidly growing economies and trade flows in Eurasian countries. The Fund focuses on resource efficiency, renewables, food and water safety, logistics, transportation.
AIIB's Environmental and Social Policy (“ESP”) is applicable to the Project. The project has been placed in Category FI because it involves the provision of funds to CCPEF for further investment. After conducting prior review of the initial investments, AIIB delegates the decision-making on the use of AIIB funds to CCPEF, including the selection, appraisal, approval and monitoring of investments in portfolio companies. AIIB will retain the right to review the selection of further investments by the Fund.
The Fund manager has an existing Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) policy, which defines its approach to integrating ESG risks and value creation opportunities into investments made through its private equity funds. Many of the target sectors present opportunities to finance climate mitigation and/or adaptation (e.g. renewables, water). The Fund manager recognizes the increasing interest from investors in sustainable development outcomes, and AIIB will work with Fund to develop a framework for identifying climate finance opportunities.
Furthermore, the Fund manager had enhanced its ESG Management System to reflect the requirements of the ESP, including the development of guidance for each phase of the investment process: screening, due diligence, investment decision and monitoring and reporting. The updated ESG Management System had been reviewed and approved by AIIB prior to the use of AIIB’s funds.
The Fund has created an external communication mechanism to periodically disclose its investments and to address third-party views, enquiries or concerns regarding its own ESG processes and outcomes, as well as ESG impacts and performances of its portfolio companies. Investees of AIIB’s financing are required to disclose the ESG information on their subprojects and to establish appropriate subproject-level grievance redress mechanisms (“GRM”).
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Xuanhe Wang
Investment Officer
Jieshan Peng
Investment Associate
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