The objective of the Project is to increase the transport capacity of a priority section of National Road R46 through the improvement of the condition, safety and efficiency of the road.
The Project will comprise the two major components:
Component A: (i) Rehabilitation of the priority road section (around 60 km) of National Road R46, including detailed designs, rehabilitation and maintenance and supervision, (ii) the establishment of a Center for Maintenance Management of R46.
Component B: Technical support and the project management, including: project implementation support, support in the preparation of the designs for the city of Polotsk bypass and bridges, incremental operating cost, institutional capacity building involving professional skills enhancement/trainings and provision of essential equipment and facilities for Center for Maintenance Management.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), including the Environment and Social Standards (ESSs)and the Environmental and Social Exclusion List applies to this Project. ESS 1 (Environmental and Social Assessment and Management) and ESS 2 (Involuntary Resettlement) are applicable.
The Environmental Impact Assessments for R46 and the Polotsk bypass have been upgraded to an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Entire Project that covers proposed project activities in all three phases. A standalone Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the rehabilitation of National Road R46 has been prepared. A Resettlement Planning Framework (RPF) has been prepared to cover all activities under the Entire Project. Supplementary activity-specific E&S instruments will be prepared prior to the implementation of the project.
Key E&S risks and impacts will be associated with construction related works, manifested through noise levels, dust, disposal of construction debris, etc. and limited land acquisition. These will be mitigated according to the ESMP and activity-specific E&S instruments.
Two multi-tier Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) for project affected people and construction workers have been included in the E&S documentation based on the existing GRM of the Implementing Entity. Following comprehensive stakeholder engagement conducted in line with COVID-19 restrictions the ESIA, ESMP and RPF have been disclosed in both English and Russian languages online and kept on site.
Sergey Leonchik
Head of Road Development Department,
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Home What We Do Project List Belarus: Rehabilitation and Upgrading of National Road R46