The Project objective is to support the Government of Cambodia (GoC) to increase irrigation service efficiency, strengthen climate adaptive capacity against extreme weathers, and improve productivity of smallholder farmers and vulnerable rural communities in four provinces of Cambodia.
To achieve the Project objective, the Project aims to: (i) improve irrigation service efficiency through climate adaptation solutions and enhanced engagements in sustainable water-use practices at the farm- and scheme-level; and (ii) develop, modernize, and climate-proof flood management systems.
AIIB's Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), including the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and the Environmental and Social Exclusion List, applies to the Project. Initial environmental and social (E&S) due diligence has determined that ESS 1 (E&S assessment and management) applies to the assessment of E&S impacts of the Project activities. ESS 2 (involuntary resettlement) also applies, as the Project related activities is expected to involve significant land acquisition and generate adverse economic displacement and physical displacement of title and non-title holders and disproportionately impact vulnerable groups. Moreover, Ethnic Minorities may be present within the physical footprint of the Project and area of influence, therefore the applicability of ESS3 (indigenous peoples) will be confirmed during the preparation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). The Project has been assigned Category “A”, in accordance with the ESP, because of the significant land acquisition and the potential physical and economic displacement of Project-affected people (PAP) including Ethnic Minorities. The Project will be parallelly financed with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), where a common approach will be developed. The safeguard documents to be prepared will adhere to the E&S policies of all the financiers and only one set of documents will be prepared to enhance efficiency.
Environmental and Social Instruments. The client, which is the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MoWRAM), is preparing an Environmental, Social, and Climate Change Management Framework (ESCMF), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Gender Assessment and Gender and Social Inclusion Action Plan, and Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF). The ESCMF and RPF will guide the preparation of the ESIA and RP, respectively. The Resettlement Plan will include an entitlement matrix and Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP). Furthermore, given that the footprint of the project activities is likely to coincide with areas where Ethnic Minorities reside, an Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) in line with the IPPF will be prepared. Moreover, the IPP will include a Community Development Plan. The preparation of E&S documents will be carried out in a participatory manner and regular stakeholders’ engagement will be carried out in a culturally meaningful and appropriate way so that the concerns and comments of the stakeholders are reflected in the assessments of risks and preparation of the mitigation measures.
Environment. The Project is expected to bring overall environmental benefits in terms of improving the efficiency of water use, reducing GHG emissions from crop production, and strengthening climate resilience of irrigation infrastructure and agricultural practices. The potential environmental risks and adverse impacts from the Project will be related primarily to the civil works of construction and rehabilitation of irrigation canals and ponds, which will include dust and air emissions, impacts on borrow pits and disposal of spoil soil, potential of water contamination, noise from heavy machines and vehicles, occupational health, and safety (OHS) issues, disturbance to local communities and species, etc. The construction related impacts will be temporary, short-term, localized, few if any are irreversible or cumulative, and can be readily mitigated using good civil work management practice. Civil works are expected to be located in habitats that are substantially modified by human activities and are unlikely to be located in or in the vicinity of legally protected tangible cultural heritage. The key risks and impacts during operation include water and soil pollution from improper use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers for farming and plantation. The environmental baseline will be analyzed during the preparation of the ESIA and alternative analysis will be carried out on the location of new constructions to avoid adverse impacts to critical habitat, natural habitat, and cultural heritage. An ESMP will be prepared by the client to include mitigation measures, monitoring and reporting requirements, grievance mechanism and related institutional and implementation arrangements.
Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement. The Project requires significant amount of land acquisition. Initial assessments indicate that in total over 20km of main and secondary drains, 200km of secondary canal and 438km of tertiary canals are to be newly constructed along with the rehabilitation of existing dams. Preliminary investigations also indicate that Right of Way (RoW) demarcations for the canals may not be clear. The Project will likely cause economic and physical displacement of households, businesses, and community property resources for both title and non-titleholders. Disproportionate effects on vulnerable groups, including women, the elderly, persons with disabilities (PWDs), economically vulnerable, and Ethnic Minorities are likely. An RPF is being prepared to guide the preparation of the Resettlement Policy (RP). The RPF is prepared to describe the approach, principles, and procedures that will be followed to manage and mitigate physical and economic displacement. The RPF is the precursor to preparing the final RP. The RP will be prepared in accordance with national laws and policies and the ESS 2 of AIIB and IFAD’s Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP). The RPF encapsulates an entitlement matrix identifying the entitled unit, compensation, and assistance measures. The compensation includes measures for non-titleholders and special treatment to vulnerable groups. In addition, long-term rehabilitation measures in the form of a livelihood restoration plan are also included. The compensation, assistance, and livelihood restoration standards aim to improve or at least to restore the livelihoods of all displaced people to pre-displacement levels.
Indigenous Peoples. The applicability of ESS3 will be determined within the scope of the ESIA, however, given that project activities are likely to take place in areas where Ethnic Minorities are present, an IPPF and an IPP are being prepared. The client will conduct culturally appropriate meaningful consultations with identified Ethnic Minorities to better understand the concerns/comments and aspirations, as part of the preparation of the safeguard documents, including ESIA, IPPF, IPP, and RP. The critical issues and suggestions raised by these communities will be considered in the design and mitigation measures. The IPPF and IPP (which will be in line with the IPPF) are expected to strengthen and manage the negative impacts on Ethnic Minorities. The IPP will include a Community Development Plan (CDP). The main aim of the CDP is to ensure that the beneficiary programs designed for the community are beyond the measures outlined in the RP and to maximize the Project's benefits at the community level.
Gender. The Project will benefit women through (i) capacity building programs for female staff MoWRAM and Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDWRAM), (ii) increased participation in water management through membership in Farmer Water User Communities (FWUCs), and (iii) increased income from improved agricultural productivity. In consultation with relevant stakeholders, a Gender and Social Inclusion Action Plan will be prepared and will include measures that prevent potential negative impacts on women(including gender-based violence), promote inclusion and enhance access to Project related benefits.
Meaningful Consultation, Information Disclosure and Monitoring. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) will be prepared by the client to assess the impacts and influence of various stakeholders, formulate differentiated approaches and strategies for engaging with them , and specify the roles and responsibilities of Project Management unit (PMU), Project Implementation Units (PIUs), contractors etc. during implementation of the SEP throughout project cycle. The consultation process, including comments and suggestions received from stakeholders and how they are addressed, will be documented in the E&S instruments. The E&S documentation in English and in local language[s], as appropriate, will be disclosed in a timely manner by the client on its website and through the distribution of hard copies in the Project areas. This documentation will also be disclosed by AIIB’s website. AIIB, together with other financiers, will jointly monitor the status of project implementation and result indicators through biannual implementation support missions. More details about the monitoring and reporting will be discussed and determined with the client during Project appraisal.
Project-level GRM. A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) at the project level in accordance with the requirements of AIIB’s ESP will be established and the information regarding the project-level GRM both in English and local language[s] will be disseminated to the communities and PAPs in a timely and appropriate manner. A separate GRM will be established to address workplace complaints and concerns. Communities and individuals who believe they are adversely affected by the Project can submit complaints to the project-level GRM for resolution. Disclosure of E&S information, including the GRM at the project level and the Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) of AIIB, will be made available by the PMU, E&S information will be posted on the website of the client and AIIB in English and local language(s).
Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia
Pen Thirong
Under Secretary of State
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Cambodia
Chann Sinath
Secretary of State
Home What We Do Project List Climate Adaptive Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture for Resilience Project (CAISAR)