Tajikistan: Obigarm-Nurobod Road Project – Long Bridge and Approaches


Category A


USD75.5 million


September 20, 2019
December 7, 2023
March 20, 2024
October 2024


To improve connectivity along the Obigarm–Nurobod section of M41 Highway by constructing a long bridge and its approaches.


The proposed Project will construct a 920-meter bridge and its approaches (the Long Bridge) on Obigarm–Nurobod section of M41 Highway to replace the existing segment that will be submerged by the Rogun dam reservoir.

The alignment replacement will ensure continued connectivity along a vital transport corridor in Tajikistan that connects central part of the country with northeast and border to the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Obigarm–Nurobod section of M41 Highway (75km) is referred to as the Overall Project, which has been divided into three sections:

(i) The Obigarm–Tagikamar section is about 30km long financed by ADB and OFID; it is hereinafter referred to as Section 1;

(ii) The Tagikamar–Nurobod section is about 44km long financed by the EBRD; it is hereinafter referred to as Section 2; and

(iii) The 920-meter-long bridge and its approaches will be financed by AIIB; it is referred to as Section 3 or the Project.


AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Environmental and Social Exclusion List will apply to the Project. ESS 1 (Environmental and Social Assessment and Management) and ESS 2 (Involuntary Resettlement and Land Acquisition) are applicable to this Project. Given the project activities, location, and potential risks, the Project is rated as Category A.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) covering the sections of the Investment Program supported by ADB and EBRD has been prepared and disclosed by the parallel financiers. A Supplemental ESIA has been carried for the bridge and approach roads as an addendum to the ESIA already prepared. The Supplemental ESIA includes an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).

The Project will construct a long bridge to sustain connectivity of communities over the Rogun HPP reservoir being constructed. The HPP and its reservoir does not fit the definition of ‘associated facility’ (AF) under the ESP. The road sections financed by ADB and EBRD do not fall under the definition of AFs either, as these sections have been described as a single Investment Project in all project documents by financiers.

Dust, water, vibration, noise, and solid waste will be among the typical environmental impacts associated with the bridge construction. Civils works within the river (i.e., foundations) will be carried out strictly during the dry season when there is no flow and prior to the headwaters of the Rogun dam reaching the project site. Should this change, it will reflect material change to the assessment, and the ESIA will be revised to the satisfaction of the Bank. During the operational stage, the major environmental risks include wildlife road accidents, induced hunting/collecting due to better access to the project area, and risk of water contamination due to potential traffic accidents on the proposed bridge. Occupational health and safety risks and impacts during construction and operations are associated with working at height, hazards from falling debris, working over water and in the vicinity of roads. A Climate Risk and Adaptation (CRA) Assessment has assessed the sensitivity, exposure, and vulnerability of the Project to relevant climate hazards. Relevant adaptation measures have been identified to address climate risks and enhance climate resilience. Robust mitigation measures to address adverse impacts of the Project are included in the ESMP along with a monitoring plan. Finalized CRA will be disclosed on Bank’s website as part of revised ESIA.

The Project is not anticipated to induce any physical or economic resettlement. Temporary land acquisition impacts are associated with workers’ camps and construction facilities. These impacts will be avoided and minimized by acquiring the state-owned and not used by communities’ lands, otherwise a land acquisition plan will be prepared and implemented. Other social impacts are likely to include access restrictions, community health and safety and risks associated with labour influx. These impacts will be addressed through the implementation of ESMP prepared for the Project.

Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure: A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been prepared for this Project to ensure effective communication of the investment plans, potential impacts, and mitigation measures during project implementation. A Non-technical Summary (NTS) has also been prepared and translated into the local language. The environmental and social (E&S) documents have been disclosed 60 calendar days prior to the consideration of financing approval by the Bank. Hard copies of the E&S instruments are available in the local language in the targeted rural areas. All the E&S instruments were disclosed at the Ministry of Transport (MOT) and AIIB websites.

Project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM): A two-tier project specific GRM has been established and functional for the Project. Tier One is based on the established practice of filing complaints in rural area, while Tier Two is with the MOT/PIU at the national level. A GRM-related leaflet will be prepared and widely disseminated in the local language at the project site. In addition, the PIU under the MOT will prepare and submit semi-annual monitoring reports to AIIB for review in accordance with the agreed format. The Bank’s E&S Specialists will carry out field-based E&S supervision missions twice a year to monitor the E&S instruments’ implementation and the Borrower’s E&S performance.


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Runze Yu

Investment Operations Specialist – Transport


Ministry of Finance, Republic of Tajikistan

Faiziddin Qahhorzoda



Ministry of Transport, Republic of Tajikistan

Bobozoda Rahim Bozor

First Deputy Minister

Home What We Do Project List Tajikistan: Obigarm-Nurobod Road Project – Long Bridge and Approaches