To improve the rail connectivity of eastern Türkiye along the Divriği-Kars-Georgia border railway section of the Trans-Caspian Middle Corridor.
The Project consists of the installation of signaling, telecommunication and electrification systems on a 660-kilometer (km) railway section along the Divriği-Kars-Georgia border corridor, and construction/rehabilitation of sidings, bridges, station buildings, and other facilities to increase the existing railway operating capacity and improve operational safety.
Applicable Policy and Categorization. The Project will be co-financed with the World Bank (WB) as lead co-financier, and the Project’s environmental and social (ES) risks and impacts have been assessed in accordance with the WB’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). To provide for a harmonized approach to addressing the ES risks and impacts of the Project, and as permitted under AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), the WB’s ESF will apply to the Project in lieu of AIIB’s ESP. AIIB has reviewed the WB’s ESF and is satisfied that: (i) it is consistent with AIIB’s Articles of Agreement and materially consistent with the provisions of AIIB’s ESP, including the Environmental and Social Exclusion List (ESEL) and the relevant Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs); and (ii) the monitoring procedures that are in place are appropriate for the Project. WB has categorized the ES risks of the Project as Substantial for ES (which are equivalent to Category B if AIIB’s ESP were applicable). The category is based on risks due to large-scale construction activities.
Environmental and Social Instruments. To mitigate ES risks and impacts, in compliance with WB’s ESF, the Client has prepared appropriate ES instruments: the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Draft Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which is including Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Resettlement Framework (RF) and Labor Management Plan (LMP). These ES instruments have been disclosed both locally and by the WB. Also, site-specific ES screening, assessment and management plans will be prepared during project implementation. The Resettlement Plans (RPs) will also be prepared during the implementation phase if land acquisition is required.
Environmental Aspects. The potential environment risks and impacts related to the Project during the construction and operation/maintenance phases include (i) air pollution, noise and vibration; (ii) soil disturbance; (iii) vegetation management; (iv) waste management and the disposal of outdated technology; (v) management of construction camps; (vi) occupational and community health and safety risks, including traffic safety and emergency response; (vii) environmental risks related to snow removal and snow barriers; (viii) risks associated with routine maintenance activities; (ix) increased energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions of enhanced systems; and (x) potential impacts on culturally and naturally protected areas, including habitat loss, fragmentation, and displacement. These risks will be managed by implementing the various management sub-plans prepared for the Project, which contain both Construction-ESMP and Operations-ESMP to manage the risks associated with operations in addition to the construction phase risks. In addition, the proposed railway route passes through a couple of these protected areas and it is also adjacent to several Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). However, the habitat along the proposed alignment is already modified due to 60 years of railway operations. The new construction in these areas will strictly remain within existing rail corridor, and any new land development will be outside protected areas. This will avoid further impacts on critical habitats and species. The ESIA completed for the Project has concluded that using the existing railway route will not encroach into the critical habitats. To further manage these risks, a comprehensive Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) has been prepared by the Project.
Social Aspects. During the Project implementation, social risks and impacts are associated with potential livelihood impacts due to land acquisition, physical and economic displacement, as well as risks related to labor and working conditions, labor influx, community health and safety, cultural heritage, and risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) due to the Project being implemented across five provinces including in hard-to-reach areas. Considering the primary brownfield nature of the Project and the Government of Türkiye’s existing ownership of surrounding land within the corridor’s right-of-way (RoW), the Project’s land needs are expected to be met without significant land acquisition. The infrastructure rehabilitation may result in moderate physical displacement and relocation of houses and other fixed assets, loss of land and non-land assets, and temporary access restrictions to land use within the railroad RoW. The extent of land acquisition will be determined once detailed engineering designs, including power transmission lines and access roads, are completed by the contractors and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU). Efforts will be made to avoid environmentally sensitive, agriculturally significant and residential areas. An RF has been prepared, and RP and Livelihood Restoration Plans (LRPs) will be developed as needed during Project implementation.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). During construction, the primary OHS risks include exposure to high levels of noise and vibration, risks of falling from heights, and hazards associated with the handling of chemicals and heavy machinery. The construction of railway tracks for the Project will primarily utilize mechanized and automated methods, significantly reducing the need for manual labor. Contractors will also develop and implement their own management plans and safety plans. To mitigate these risks, an Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan (OHSMP) has been developed. The project plans include provisions to address emergencies related to occupational and traffic accidents, with a focus on railway operations. Contractors will be required to provide all employees with training on OHS, including emergency preparedness and response.
Stakeholder Engagement, Consultation and Information Disclosure. The SEP document identified the stakeholders and provided guidelines and a program for communicating with them. The PIU will keep continued engagement with communities around the RoW during project implementation to manage risks, ensure benefits for affected local communities and handle labor influx-induced impacts and grievance management arrangements. All the ES management plans have been disclosed and consulted. The ES instruments in English and summaries in local language (Turkish language) have been disclosed by the General Directorate of Infrastructure Investment (Altyapı Yatırımları Genel Müdürlüğü, AYGM) and by the WB on their website. The links for this documentation have also been disclosed on AIIB’s website.
Project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM). AYGM and the PIU will implement a project-level GRM as part of their ES Management System to address grievances from Project-affected individuals. This GRM will document and oversee complaints related to various issues, including environmental concerns and compensation processes while allowing for anonymous submissions. If grievances are not satisfactorily resolved, they can be escalated to a Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), composed of local and institutional representatives, for further evaluation. Additionally, a separate Workers' GRM will be established for employees and subcontractors, facilitating various avenues for complaint submissions, including a grievance box. Worker representatives will be involved in the resolution process, ensuring transparency and responsiveness. The information of established GRMs and the Independent Accountability Mechanism (IAM) of WB will be timely disclosed in an appropriate manner. The PIU will maintain a master database to track all complaints and monitor the GRM's effectiveness throughout the Project.
Monitoring and Supervision Arrangements. Reporting requirements and reporting responsibilities have also been allocated between the contractor, supervision consultant, PIU support consultant, and AYGM. These implementing entities will prepare and submit regular monitoring reports based on agreed format on the Project’s ES performance throughout the Project implementation period. AIIB will monitor the Project’s ES management performance together with WB through these reports and during its implementation support missions.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Natalia Sanz
Senior Operations Specialist – Transport
World Bank-IBRD
Murad Gurmeric
Senior Transportation Engineer
Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Republic of Türkiye
Kerem Donmez
Director General, General Directorate of Foreign Economic Relations
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI), Republic of Türkiye
Irfan Kurnaz
Branch Manager of External Funded Projects, General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments
Home What We Do Project List Türkiye: Eastern Türkiye Middle Corridor Railway Development Project