To support Uzbekistan in implementing crucial policy and institutional reforms to improve climate resilience and accelerate the climate transition for achieving resilient, inclusive, and low-carbon economic growth.
The proposed Program will support the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU) in responding to strategic climate priorities and address the critical binding constraints to help achieve resilient, inclusive, and low-carbon economic growth. The Program will be co-financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as the lead co-financier. The proposed Program is aligned with Uzbekistan's updated National Determined Contribution (NDC, 2021), which emphasizes mitigation and adaptation measures required for the country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as adapt to the impacts of climate change. It is also aligned with the national development strategy "New Uzbekistan 2030" and the Strategic Framework of Transitioning to a Green Economy 2030. The Program will focus on (i) strengthening the institutional framework, planning, budgeting, and monitoring mechanisms for the implementation of climate change actions; (ii) strengthening climate change adaptation priorities by enhancing climate resilience of water and land resource management, increasing agriculture productivity and improving social protection systems, implementing climate and sustainability risk disclosures for state-owned enterprises (SOEs); and (iii) accelerating transitioning to a low-carbon economy, particularly in the climate-critical sectors of transport and energy through e-mobility and energy efficiency related reforms.
Applicable Environmental and Social Policy. The Program will be co-financed by ADB, who will take the lead on implementation issues. To ensure a harmonized approach to addressing the environmental and social (ES) risks and impacts of the Program, and as permitted under AIIB's Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), the ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS) will apply to the Program in lieu of AIIB's ESP. AIIB has reviewed the ADB’s SPS and is satisfied that it is materially consistent with (i) the Bank’s Articles of Agreement; (ii) the ESP, including the Environmental and Social Exclusion List; (iii) the Environmental and Social Standards; and (iv) monitoring procedures in place for the Program.
Categorization and Potential Environmental and Social Impacts. Based on ES assessments carried out by ADB, following its SPS requirements, ADB categorized the Program as C for Environment, Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples because activities will be solely confined to policy and institutional reforms across government branches. No civil works will be carried out under the Program, which means that no direct or indirect activities under policy reforms will result in or lead to involuntary resettlement or negatively affect indigenous peoples or the environment. Program proceeds will not be used for any activities resulting in physical or economic displacement. Nevertheless, an E&S impact assessment matrix has been developed to assess each policy action.
Gender Aspect. The Program is classified by ADB as an ‘effective gender mainstreaming’ intervention. Under the Program, the Government will approve a National Climate Policy and Climate Change Gender Action Plan (CCGAP). This plan will contribute to a reduction in the number of people (including women) vulnerable to climate shocks by addressing the gender dimension of climate and supporting vulnerable populations. To address gender and climate integration in budgetary decision-making processes, the Program will integrate gender into Public Finance Management (PFM) and Public Investment Management (PIM) regulations and promote resource allocation for climate action tailored to the specific needs of women and other vulnerable populations. The Program will enhance screening and prioritization of climate and gender-related investments in irrigation modernization, providing women with improved access to water resources and enabling their effective participation in water management decisions. Integrating gender considerations into the e-mobility strategy will foster inclusive, eco-friendly transportation solutions for its major cities, empowering women’s participation in e-mobility transport and promoting equal opportunities.
Monitoring and Supervision Arrangement. The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) will be the Executing Agency to the Program working together with other several Ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Committee for Family and Women under the Cabinet of Ministers, and the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the MoEF being the nodal agency.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Emil Zalinyan
Senior Investment Officer
Asian Development Bank
Hanif A. Rahemtulla
Principal Public Management Specialist
Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Jamshid Kuchkarov
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Jamshid Kuchkarov
Deputy Prime Minister
Home What We Do Project List Uzbekistan: Accelerating the Uzbekistan Climate Transition for Green, Inclusive, and Resilient Economic Growth (Subprogram 1)