Our Projects
- Approval Year-
- EconomyCambodia
- SectorEnergy
- Financing TypeNonsovereign
- NameCambodia: SchneiTec 150 MW Solar PV Power and BESS Project (the Project)VIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD40 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyPakistan
- SectorTransport
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NamePakistan: Reconstruction of National Highway N-5 under Pakistan’s Resilient Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Framework Project – Phase 1A (the “Project”)VIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD210.12 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyIndonesia
- SectorHealth Infrastructure
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NameRSAB Harapan Kita Construction and Integration of Three Diamond Hospitals ProjectVIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD226.4 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyIndonesia
- SectorEnergy
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NameIndonesia: Strengthening Sumatra Power Distribution Results-Based ProjectVIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD500 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyChina
- SectorDigital Infrastructure and Technology
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NameChina: Guangzhou Smart City Project Phase 1VIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD200 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyUzbekistan
- SectorEnergy
- Financing TypeNonsovereign
- NameUzbekistan: Nukus II 200MW Wind and BESS ProjectVIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD80 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyChina
- SectorEnergy
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NameChina: China Inner Mongolia Clean Energy Transition ProjectVIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD200 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyPakistan
- SectorWater
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NamePakistan: Karachi Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project-2 (KWSSIP-2)VIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD240 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyKyrgyzstan
- SectorWater
- Financing TypeSovereign
- NameKyrgyzstan: Water Supply and Sanitation Universal Access ProjectVIEW DETAILS
- Financing AmountProposed Funding: USD50 million
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed
- Approval Year-
- EconomyMulticountry
- SectorMulti-sector
- Financing TypeNonsovereign
- NameMulticountry: Supporting Trade Facilitation in Emerging MarketsVIEW DETAILS
- StatusVIEW DETAILSProposed