AIIB Health Operations after the Pandemic

Beijing, Dec. 27, 2023

AIIB Health Operations after the Pandemic

Hun Kim, Zhaojing Mu

When the pandemic broke out, AIIB swiftly responded to the urgent needs of its Members by providing a total financial envelope of USD20 billion under the COVID-19 Crisis Response Facility (CRF) for vaccines, healthcare needs, and economic and financial support to struggling economies.

Building Green Great Wall Against Sand Dust: Impact and Implementation of China’s Sanbei Reforestation Project

Beijing, Dec. 19, 2023

Building Green Great Wall Against Sand Dust: Impact and Implementation of China’s Sanbei Reforestation Project

Jingyu Gao

The Three North Program, or “Sanbei”, is one of the biggest ecological conservation efforts in restoring plant coverage. Since its launch in 1978, Sanbei has aimed to restore plant coverage in almost all parts of northern China, particularly the arid areas in the northwest, to improve adverse environmental conditions in northern China, such as severe soil erosion and frequent episodes of sand and dust blowouts that had long disrupted local agricultural activities. As of 2020, Sanbei had completed the first two phases of its 1978-2050 plan. Now in its third phase (until 2050), the program has evolved from the massive planting of single tree types in the early stage to more science-based, comprehensive approaches that involve restoring various plant species tailored to local environments.

AIIB Expands Investment in Africa with First Sub-Saharan Infrastructure Project

Beijing, Dec. 18, 2023

AIIB Expands Investment in Africa with First Sub-Saharan Infrastructure Project

Suzanne Shaw

The future is bright for Côte d'Ivoire and there is a noticeable social and economic shift underway.

Safeguarding Lives and Livelihoods: The Importance of Mangroves Conservation in Indonesia

Beijing, Dec. 12, 2023

Safeguarding Lives and Livelihoods: The Importance of Mangroves Conservation in Indonesia

Abhinav Narayanan, Edith Zheng

Coastal populations worldwide, especially in Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world, face significant risks of tidal floods due to rising sea levels. As of 2022, Indonesia’s sea level has surged by a staggering 200 millimeter (mm) above 1992 levels, while the coastal population has increased from 35 to 55 million in the last three decades. Scientific evidence suggests that mangroves are essential for mitigating the risks posed by tidal floods. As per the World Bank’s mangrove valuation framework, Indonesia has emerged as one of the countries experiencing the highest surge in the value of mangroves between 1995 and 2018, primarily attributed to the country's elevated flood risk.

Do Controversies Matter? A Study of How Stock Markets React to ESG-related Issues

Beijing, Dec. 08, 2023

Do Controversies Matter? A Study of How Stock Markets React to ESG-related Issues

Xinyu Kong, Abhinav Narayanan

Firms are often hit by environment, social or governance (ESG)-related controversies or damaging disclosures. The reaction of markets to negative disclosures can be a powerful tool to nudge firms toward responsible behavior. Controversies can be broadly categorized into environmental, social and governance issues. However, the magnitude of the reaction depends on how well the market can price in the risk from a controversy. Past studies have documented the effect of climate-related disclosures and natural disasters on specific markets and financial instruments (e.g., corporate bond spreads). In this analysis, we take a cursory look at the impact of ESG-related controversies on company stock prices using globally representative data. Given the increased call for better disclosure requirements related to nature-related risks, we shed some light on whether and how markets react to nature-related controversies.

AIIB, Climate Finance and COP28

Beijing, Dec. 07, 2023

AIIB, Climate Finance and COP28

Daniel Wagner

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB’s) focus on Infrastructure for Tomorrow (i4t) supports the development and deployment of emerging technologies for climate-resilient and low-carbon infrastructure.

Pioneering Private Equity Investment in Offshore Wind Farm Vessels

Beijing, Dec. 06, 2023

Pioneering Private Equity Investment in Offshore Wind Farm Vessels

Jingyi Zhang, Danni Li, Olivier Ferrage

Offshore wind is becoming an increasingly important pillar of the clean energy transition. Total installed capacity has nearly trebled between 2018 and 2022, with Asia Pacific—notably China—and Europe leading the way.

Women at the Crossroads of Climate Change: AIIB Lessons Learned in Gender-Responsive Finance

Beijing, Dec. 04, 2023

Women at the Crossroads of Climate Change: AIIB Lessons Learned in Gender-Responsive Finance

Philip Martin, Seleha Lockwood, Irem Kizilca, Jing-Yuan Deng

The unequal impact of climate change on women and the importance of gender-responsive climate finance is widely acknowledged. Considering the key role of women and girls in climate solutions - and as part of its call for inclusivity - the COP28 presidency has emphasized a gender-just transition, and one that builds upon better quality, gender-disaggregated data and scales up gender responsive finance for women-led climate action.

Last Mile to COP28—Asia Pacific Climate Week

Beijing, Nov. 24, 2023

Last Mile to COP28—Asia Pacific Climate Week

Lucy (Jieqiong) Tong

COP28 will be held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 13, Parties and Non-Party Stakeholders will come together in Dubai to discuss a number of issues around global stocktake,

Climate Financing in an Era of Environmental Action

Beijing, Nov. 20, 2023

Climate Financing in an Era of Environmental Action

Andrew Cross

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was born at a time when the world was correcting itself.

 AIIB Unveils Winners of 2023 Venture Capital Showcase at AIIB’s Annual Meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Beijing, Nov. 14, 2023

AIIB Unveils Winners of 2023 Venture Capital Showcase at AIIB’s Annual Meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Julie Zhu, Shi Hao Zijdemans, Kelly Qian Zhang, Jingyi Zhang

Three transformative and innovative technology solutions with the potential to revolutionize sustainable infrastructure development received valuable mentoring from a panel of experts as part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Venture Capital (VC) for Start-ups in Green and Technology-Enabled Infrastructure Showcase, held on Oct. 25, 2023. The VC Showcase was one of the side events during the Eighth AIIB Annual Meeting held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

 How AIIB Can Respond Better to 21<sup>st</sup> Century Global Challenges

Beijing, Oct. 26, 2023

How AIIB Can Respond Better to 21st Century Global Challenges

Current global challenges, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic along with geopolitical tensions and the threat of climate change, call for multilateral development banks (MDBs) to “evolve” their operating models to achieve long-term development impact.

AIIB Announces Talent Growth to 500 Staff

Beijing, Sep. 01, 2023

AIIB Announces Talent Growth to 500 Staff

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced today that it has onboarded its 500th staff member.

Investing in Technologies for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in Asia

Beijing, Aug. 08, 2023

Investing in Technologies for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in Asia

Xianfu Lu, Julija Kuklyte Polycarp

Flooded roads, crumbling bridges, buckling rail tracks and snapped utility poles have become a constant reminder that the current stock of critical infrastructure is not able to cope with increasingly frequent extreme weather events.

Promoting Economic Growth Through Sustainable and Responsible Project Implementation

Beijing, July 11, 2023

Promoting Economic Growth Through Sustainable and Responsible Project Implementation

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) supports sustainable infrastructure and other productive sectors to promote economic growth and improve people’s lives.

Financing the Future

Beijing, July 06, 2023

Financing the Future

Domenico Nardelli, Edoardo Monaco

The global development challenges of our time are steep and substantial financial support is required to promote sustainable development, especially across the Global South.

G20, AIIB Organize High-Level Seminar on Creating Sustainable and Livable Cities

Beijing, June 26, 2023

G20, AIIB Organize High-Level Seminar on Creating Sustainable and Livable Cities

To support policymakers in tackling the issue of sustainable and livable cities, the India G20 Presidency, in partnership with AIIB, is organizing a high-level Seminar on Creating Sustainable and Livable Cities on June 26, 2023 in Rishikesh, India.

Addressing the Climate Finance Shortfall: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks, Institutional Investors and Insurers

Beijing, June 19, 2023

Addressing the Climate Finance Shortfall: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks, Institutional Investors and Insurers

Daniel Wagner

Between now and 2040 the world requires an estimated USD84.5 trillion in investment in infrastructure. Included in this is a projected USD16 trillion gap in required sustainable infrastructure financing.

Carbon Management at AIIB Showcases Our Commitment to Tangible Actions

Beijing, June 05, 2023

Carbon Management at AIIB Showcases Our Commitment to Tangible Actions

Yuan Lin

Part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s commitment to sustainable economic development is contributing to local sustainability.

 AIIB Welcomes Reforms of the Multilateral System, Calls for Stronger International Partnership For Climate Action, Urges Greater MDB Coordination At 2023 World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings

Beijing, April 24, 2023

AIIB Welcomes Reforms of the Multilateral System, Calls for Stronger International Partnership For Climate Action, Urges Greater MDB Coordination At 2023 World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings

Office of the President

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) President Jin Liqun just wrapped up a week of engagements with global leaders, the private sector, development partners and civil society organizations on the sidelines of the 2023 Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C. Deepening and broadening international partnerships to tackle pressing global challenges was top of his mind, as well as concerted action to address the climate crisis in line AIIB’s own climate agenda.

Investing in Asia’s Water Sector is Investing in Infrastructure for Tomorrow

Beijing, March 22, 2023

Investing in Asia’s Water Sector is Investing in Infrastructure for Tomorrow

Communications Department

Water availability and management are crucial for economic growth, food security, public health and trade throughout Asia. Harnessing water’s productive potential and mitigating its destructive force remain key priorities to achieving better social and economic development in Asia.

Advancing Women Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia — A Look at AIIB’s First Investment in a Women’s Economic Empowerment Fund

Beijing, March 07, 2023

Advancing Women Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia — A Look at AIIB’s First Investment in a Women’s Economic Empowerment Fund

Thomas Walenta, Danni Li, Kristina (Sheng) Yu

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) commits to closing the gender gap, enhancing gender equality, and maximizing the benefits and impacts of its investments.

Tale of Two Greens: Financial and Environmental Sustainability

Beijing, March 02, 2023

Tale of Two Greens: Financial and Environmental Sustainability

Andrew Cross

We entered 2023 with new hope for a sustainable post-pandemic recovery. But we also braced ourselves for a year of potential political, social and financial uncertainty.

Reflecting on Sustainable Investing: Sustainability-Linked Incentives for Fund Managers

Beijing, March 01, 2023

Reflecting on Sustainable Investing: Sustainability-Linked Incentives for Fund Managers

Thomas Walenta, Dr. Jingyi Zhang, Boyun Yang

Sustainable or ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing has become a major global investment trend. According to Morningstar, global sustainable fund assets soared to USD2.5 trillion by end-2022, more than doubled compared to end-2019.

Harnessing Clean Energy in Rajasthan, India’s ‘House of the Sun’

Beijing, Feb. 10, 2023

Harnessing Clean Energy in Rajasthan, India’s ‘House of the Sun’

Pratyush Mishra, Afsona-Bonu Mansurova

As the world’s second most populous country and the fifth largest economy in the world, India’s domestic demand for energy grows exponentially.

AIIB Graduate Program Now Open for Applications

Beijing, Jan. 19, 2023

AIIB Graduate Program Now Open for Applications

Vincent Nicolier

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) offers recent graduates and young professionals from diverse academic backgrounds the opportunity to contribute to AIIB’s mission to finance Infrastructure for Tomorrow while developing valuable professional skills.

Mobilizing Institutional Capital for Infrastructure Debt in Asia

Beijing, Jan. 17, 2023

Mobilizing Institutional Capital for Infrastructure Debt in Asia

Han Zhao, Stefen Shin

Infrastructure lies at the heart of economic, social and ecological development, and the lack of sufficient financing for infrastructure assets is a continuing challenge to develop emerging market economies. AIIB is partnering with Clifford Capital Holdings (CCH) to bridge the infrastructure financing gap through an innovative securitization platform Bayfront Infrastructure Management (Bayfront) which connects institutional investors with infrastructure debt solutions in Asia Pacific.

Join AIIB to Finance Infrastructure for Tomorrow

Beijing, Jan. 06, 2023

Join AIIB to Finance Infrastructure for Tomorrow

Vincent Nicolier

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is looking for graduates and young professionals who are interested in working on infrastructure development. As a multilateral development bank (MDB) focused on developing Asia, but with Members from all over the world, AIIB’s investments in infrastructure and other productive sectors seek to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure connectivity.

The AIIB Blog is a community that cultivates various voices. It’s a place for perspectives. While the authors here have volunteered to share their points of view, these views may not necessarily be shared by AIIB, yet are still relevant to infrastructure's contribution to society and development.