The objective of the project is to improve the cross border connectivity around Shuolong port and expand economic and trade activities between China and Viet Nam.
The Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), including the Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) and the Environmental and Social Exclusion List applies to this project. ESS 1 (Environmental and Social Assessment and Management) and ESS 2 (Involuntary Resettlement) will apply to the project. ESS 3 (Indigenous Peoples) will not apply to this project based on the social assessment carried out during project preparation. The project has been identified as Category A, based on the available information, particularly considering the project environmental and social impacts and risks, and their scale that may be substantial, significant, cumulative, diverse, and partially permanent in nature, as well as due to land acquisition, potential physical displacements and resettlement. An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) have been prepared.
Environmental Aspects. During the ESIA process, baseline survey, screening and scoping of environmental impacts/risks, alternative analysis, and impact assessment and mitigation measures have been undertaken. At the same time, the environmental sensitive receptors/locations for acoustic, air, water, and ecological environment, have been identified and assessed. There are two ecologically sensitive locations along the project road alignments, however, there is no national and local protected species and no endangered flora and fauna in the project areas. The ESIA process has resulted in the conclusion that the environmental and social impacts and risks are substantial, and will be reduced, limited and controlled through adequate mitigation measures, management (Environmental and Social Management Plan) and monitoring. The ESMP will address adverse impacts related to ecosystem, water environment, noise, vibration, atmospheric environment, solid wastes, occupational health and safety, and labor management. As part of ESIA preparation, public/stakeholder consultation and information disclosure have been carried out at various stages to share the project information and to obtain opinions from stakeholders.
Social Aspects. Key social risks associated with the project are related to land acquisition and physical and/or economic displacements. According to surveys carried out, construction activities will involve 1597.87 mu of permanent land acquisition and 677 mu of temporary occupation of land with over 80 percent of acquired land belonging to farmland. The land acquisition and temporary occupation will directly affect 967 households from eight villages in Tiandeng and Daxin Counties in Chongzuo City. For such impacts, adequate compensation and rehabilitation will be provided based on established national laws, local regulations and AIIB’s ESP. A detailed RAP has been prepared based on the magnitude of impact, social economic survey, and extensive consultations among affected people and communities. Other adverse social impacts and risks during the operation and maintenance phase are mostly associated with noise and possibility of road accidents. The ESMP, mentioned earlier, includes measures to address the above impacts, including a chance finds procedure for archaeological, historical, and sacred sites.
Stakeholder Engagement, Consultation and Information Disclosure. Consultations have been held during the preparation of ESIA and RAP. Awareness raising and focused discussions with Party leaders, Village leaders and women’s representatives have also taken place. During construction, the Government of Chongzuo City is required to regularly conduct consultations with the local communities and report on these consultations on a monthly basis. The draft English and Mandarin versions of the ES documentation has been posted on the Implementing Unit’s and Bank’s webpages1 as below and will be made available in hard copies in the project area.
Project Grievance Redress Mechanism. Building on existing complaints handling systems, a multi-tier Project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been established in accordance with the requirements of AIIB’s ESP. Locally appropriate public consultation and disclosure process have been used to disseminate information about the GRM. A separate GRM will be established to address workplace complaints and concerns.
Yue Ding
Deputy Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation
Ministry of Finance, China
Benying Liang
General Manager, Chongzuo Urban Construction Investment Development Group Co., Ltd
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